For parents of babies who don’t sleep well, exhausted is an understatement.
You have a gorgeous little human living with you. Perfect little toes, adorable little nose, and (unfortunately) big time sleeping WOES.
You’re at the point where you don’t know what to do. You’ve held him, rocked him, wore him, fed him, swaddled him, kissed him, shushed him, left him, came back to him, and he’s still awake.
Cue the tears (I’m not talking about the baby).
You’re frustrated. You’re sad. You’re concerned.
And, to top it all off, you’re sleep deprived.
Need a virtual hug? I’m here for you. You know that baby sleep is important. You know that parent sleep is important. And you’re ready to figure out how to make it happen.

Education & Training
FSI Child Sleep Consultant Certification
Deborah Pedrick
Bachelor of Education
University of Manitoba
Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education
University of Manitoba
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome for Professionals
Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
ABCs of Safe Sleep
Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
Sleep Consulting with Families Who Have Children with Special Needs
Debbie Sasson, PsyD
Potty Training and It’s Effect on Sleep
Ashley Hickley
Adult Sleep Challenges
Patty Tucker, PA-C
Postpartum Depression and other Postpartum Mood Disorders
Sarah Stern, Ph.D.
The Family Meeting: How to Have a Positive Influence in Changing Lives
Sharyn Timmerman
Parent Coaching
Sasha Carr, Ph. D
Chiropractic & Infant and Toddler Sleep Disturbances
Glory Eidt
Bedtime Battles: Insights from Pediatric Sleep Research
Thomas Heffron, American Academy of Sleep Medicine
A Case Based Approach to Behavioral Pediatric Sleep Disorders
Reshma Amin, MD, Msc, FRCPC, Hospital For Sick Children
The Incidence, Pathophysiology, and Treatment of GERD During Infancy
Dr. Warren Shapiro
Sleep Safety and Child Care
Cheryl Carey
I’m Joleen Dilk Salyn, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, and I’m here to help you and your child make every night a great night.
I’ll be honest with you, I’ve always loved children (I used to be a teacher!) but my career as Sleep Consultant began when my daughter wouldn’t sleep.
I remember sitting in the rocking chair at 5 am after hours of rocking, pacing, and humming with my daughter (finally) sleeping on my chest and listening to my husband get ready for work and thinking “I don’t know if I can have another baby, I can’t do this again.”
The sleep deprivation had gotten to me. I knew that sleeping was important for my baby, and I was determined to figure out how to make it happen so we both could survive thrive.
I researched hundreds of methods and eventually found what worked for us. I have to tell you, once we figured out the sleep piece of the new baby puzzle, the quality of life for my whole family improved. Once my daughter was sleeping well, I could sleep well.
Life went from spending hours trapped in her room, trying desperately to get her to sleep with rocking, shushing, bouncing, feeding, holding (rinse, wash and repeat every few hours all night long), to placing a happy, awake and content child down and leaving knowing she was able to fall asleep peacefully a few minutes later.
I was able to stop worrying about her getting enough rest for quality cognitive, emotional and physical development, plus have some much needed alone time, and even spend a bit of quality 1:1 time with my husband each day.
Once we got into a solid sleep routine, I became passionate about helping other families do the same.
I received my certification from the Family Sleep Institute and started teaching families techniques to help their children sleep through the night and take restorative naps. Rather than focusing on just one method, I use a combination of methods, with a strong focus on the science of sleep, and customize my recommendations to each family’s needs.
While lots of things work for multiple families, the truth is, every child is different.
My parents rest easy, knowing that I have years of experience and training behind me. I stay up to date with developments in pediatric sleep research, Canadian SIDS recommendations, and regularly attend conferences and trainings.
I am also a member and Western Canadian Representative for the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants; a nonprofit educational organization that establishes a high standard of professionalism and educational training for its members.
Helping you and your child get the rest you need so you can enjoy your precious time together instead of stressing about (lack of) sleep, is my mission.

In The Media
TV, Radio, News, Publications & More
As Featured On
In the Media
4 Ways to Get Your Child Ready for the End of Daylight Savings Time
Charlotte Parent, October 2015
Sleep Routines Result in Better Grades for Students
CTV News, September 2015
Back to School Bedtime Routines
Global News, August 2015
CTV Morning Live, February 2015
Adjusting Your Family to the Time Change
The Eagle, 93.5 FM, February 2015
Do You Want Your Child To Sleep Better? The Timing is Everything.
Modern Mama, July 18th, 2014
CTV Morning Live: Tips for Back to School
CTV Morning Live, August 2013
Tots to Teens: Holiday Sleep
CTV News, November 2013
Baby Sleep Tips
CTV Morning Live, September 2013
Newborn Tips for Baby Safety Month
City TV, September 2013
How To Keep Your Child Well Rested Audio Interview on 880 am CBS New York with Pat Farnack
CBS New York, 2013
5 Ways to Avoid Tired and Cranky Kids While on Vacation
Boston Parents Paper July 2013
Avoid Tired, Cranky Kids While on Vacation
Birmingham Mommy, July 2013
Five essential components (ACCTS) needed to ensure a healthy sleep routine for your child
City TV, June 2013
Listen to Joleen Dilk Salyn, from Baby Sleep 101 on CJOB
CJOB, May 2013
5 Tips To Make Sure Your Child Is Getting Enough Sleep
NYMetroParents, May 2013
Consultant Providing Sleep Advice to Parents
The Herald, March 2013
Joleen Dilk Salyn’s interview on Brandon’s CKLQ 880am with Bill Turner
CKLQ 880
Area Resident Giving Tips for Good Night’s Sleep
The Herald, September 2012